What's Happening at JGE
PTO Valentine's Day Carnation Sale
Kindergarten registration opens online March 3, with the Warrior Welcome Event set April 1 and 2.
On Thursday, October 17, 2024, James Gettys Elementary families enjoyed a Title One Event, "Camp Read A Lot!"
Strawbridge Studios NEW Code Lookup Tool is now available.
JGE Kindergarteners enjoyed their unit on "Colonial Towns and Townspeople" with a presentation.
JGE Warriors took on the Math Madness challenge, not only testing their math skills but also raising funds for their PTO.
Important Dates
February 4
Kindness Spirit Week - Wear your favorite team attire
February 5
Kindness Spirit Week - Wear your workout attire
4th/5th Grade Band/Orchestra Concert at GAMS
*Orchestra 6:00 and Band 6:30
February 6
Kindness Spirit Week - Wear Tie-dye, red, pink or white
February 7
PTO Valentine's Day Carnation orders due
Kindness Spirit Week - Wear your James Gettys Gear
February 11
PTO Meeting at 7:00 in the JGE Library
February 12
Mobile Dentist
February 13
Early Dismissal at 12:00
Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30-8:30
February 14
No School
February 17
No School, President's Day