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JGE staff members gather for a picture together for the 2024-2025 school year
Dr. Perrin with JGE Art Winner
Ms. Roy's JGE Kindergarten Class won the Math Madness challenge as the most improved
JGE Third Graders have fun during their Human Body unit.

What's Happening at JGE

Important Dates

February 4

Kindness Spirit Week - Wear your favorite team attire

February 5

Kindness Spirit Week - Wear your workout attire 

4th/5th Grade Band/Orchestra Concert at GAMS 

*Orchestra 6:00 and Band 6:30

February 6

Kindness Spirit Week - Wear Tie-dye, red, pink or white

February 7

PTO Valentine's Day Carnation orders due

Kindness Spirit Week - Wear your James Gettys Gear

February 11

PTO Meeting at 7:00 in the JGE Library 

February 12

Mobile Dentist

February 13

Early Dismissal at 12:00

Parent/Teacher Conferences 3:30-8:30


February 14

No School

February 17

No School, President's Day